Geïnspireerd door de aankondiging van het Symposium ‘Unfolding Human Potential’ door het NIVOZ (Nederlands Instituut voor Onderwijs- en Opvoedingszaken)



Een titel die mij raakte in een collectief menselijke behoefte. Mijn woorden voelen sterk als ‘de stem van het kind’, die binnen deze context, de weg naar het menselijk potentieel en het hart vindt.

Ik begon te schrijven in verbinding en de flow bracht mij deze volgende woorden in het Engels:



We forgot how to connect with the source of human potential and wisdom.

We forgot how to take care and love ourselves in all the human parts of our existence. We forgot to take care of our nature.

We have to recover the human foundation by it’s restrictive thoughts and unbelieve.

How can we teach children how unbelievable gifted they are by their possibilities while we have forgotten?

What does the world needs?

Let’s share, connect and remember together what we lost. Heal the pain which obstructs the potential energy and prepare.

Prepare to action what helps the human evolution by recognizing the potential and recovering the connections in many different ways.

This is exactly where children are waiting for.

Who are you? Which desire or inner purpose leads YOU? How do you show your potential for this moment?. Are you already be able to lean on live?. Can you embrace and accept live in each way it comes to you? How is your connection with your body, heart and feelings, soul and mind? How do you think you can give meaning to your life? All your answers will be the leading energy for children.

Which mirror do you want to give to the next generation?

Feel alive by your own inspiration. Show children the possibilities of life and learning. But let them choose their own way to connect there inner blueprint. Discover how to give them your open hart, your belief, your hand and your shoulder for support with your full trust in life and human potential. Children can connect with this energy and they will land on earth building their own inner foundation by trust and relief.

Which each of your actions in line with your heart , your biggest believe in humanity, the connection with your unique qualities with passion and joy you have made the difference already and you can still make the difference NOW.

Be curious, discover and believe immeasurable possibilities.

Let’s give children the human potential back by discovering and start believing in ours en recover all the inner connections.


Best wishes

Indra Tulling-Weeda, teacher of new foundations.

‘durven vernieuwen in opvoeding en onderwijs’ gedragen door de wijsheid die het leven bezit en het oneindig potentieel waartoe JIJ in staat bent.

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